Package org.python.pydev.editor.actions

Source Code of org.python.pydev.editor.actions.PySelectionTest

* Copyright (c) 2005-2011 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
* Please see the license.txt included with this distribution for details.
* Any modifications to this file must keep this entire header intact.
* Created on Apr 12, 2005
* @author Fabio Zadrozny
package org.python.pydev.editor.actions;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Document;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.TextSelection;
import org.python.pydev.core.docutils.PyDocIterator;
import org.python.pydev.core.docutils.PySelection;
import org.python.pydev.core.docutils.PySelection.LineStartingScope;
import org.python.pydev.core.docutils.PySelection.TddPossibleMatches;
import org.python.pydev.core.docutils.StringUtils;

import com.aptana.shared_core.structure.Tuple;

* @author Fabio Zadrozny
public class PySelectionTest extends TestCase {

    private PySelection ps;
    private Document doc;
    private String docContents;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            PySelectionTest test = new PySelectionTest();

        } catch (Throwable e) {

     * @see TestCase#setUp()
    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
        docContents = "" +
                "TestLine1\n" +
                "TestLine2#comm2\n" +
                "TestLine3#comm3\n" +
        doc = new Document(docContents);

     * @see TestCase#tearDown()
    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {

    public void testAddLine() {
        ps = new PySelection(new Document("line1\nline2\n"), new TextSelection(doc, 0, 0));
        ps.addLine("foo", 0);
        assertEquals("line1\nfoo\nline2\n", ps.getDoc().get());

        ps = new PySelection(new Document("line1\n"), new TextSelection(doc, 0, 0));
        ps.addLine("foo", 0);
        assertEquals("line1\nfoo\n", ps.getDoc().get());

        ps = new PySelection(new Document("line1"), new TextSelection(doc, 0, 0));
        ps.addLine("foo", 0);
        assertEquals("line1\nfoo\n", ps.getDoc().get().replace("\r\n", "\n"));

     * @throws BadLocationException
    public void testGeneral() throws BadLocationException {
        ps = new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, 0, 0));
        assertEquals("TestLine1", ps.getCursorLineContents());
        assertEquals("", ps.getLineContentsToCursor());

        assertEquals("TestLine1", ps.getCursorLineContents());
        assertEquals("TestLine1", ps.getLine(0));
        assertEquals("TestLine2#comm2", ps.getLine(1));

        assertEquals("TestLine2#comm2", ps.getLine(0));
        ps.addLine("TestLine1", 0);


    public void testImportLine() {
        String strDoc = "" +
                "#coding                   \n" +
                "''' this should be ignored\n"
                "from xxx import yyy       \n" +
                "import www'''             \n"
                "#we want the import to appear after this line\n" +
                "Class C:                  \n"
                "    pass                  \n" +
                "import kkk                \n" +
                "\n" +
        Document document = new Document(strDoc);
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(document);
        assertEquals(5, selection.getLineAvailableForImport(false));

    public void testImportLine2() {
        String strDoc = "" +
                "#coding                   \n" +
                "#we want the import to appear after this line\n"
                "Class C:                  \n" +
                "    pass                  \n" +
                "import kkk                \n"
                "\n" +
        Document document = new Document(strDoc);
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(document);
        assertEquals(2, selection.getLineAvailableForImport(false));

    public void testImportLine3() {
        String strDoc = "" +
                "#coding                   \n" +
                "#we want the import to appear after this line\n"
                "Class C:                  \n" +
                "    pass                  \n" +
                "import kkk                \n"
                "                          \n" +
                "''' this should be ignored\n" +
                "from xxx import yyy       \n"
                "import www'''             \n" +
                "\n" +
        Document document = new Document(strDoc);
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(document);
        assertEquals(2, selection.getLineAvailableForImport(false));

    public void testImportLine4() {
        String strDoc = "" +
                "class SomeClass( object ):\n" +
                "    '''This is the data that should be set...\n"
                "    '''\n" +
                "\n" +
        Document document = new Document(strDoc);
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(document);
        assertEquals(0, selection.getLineAvailableForImport(false));

    public void testImportLine5() {
        String strDoc = "" +
                "'''This is the data that should be set...\n" +
                "'''\n" +
                "\n" +
        Document document = new Document(strDoc);
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(document);
        assertEquals(2, selection.getLineAvailableForImport(false));

    public void testImportLine6() {
        String strDoc = "" +
                "\n" +
                "\n" +
                "from __future__ import xxx\n" +
                "from a import xxx\n"
                "from __future__ import xxx\n" +
                "#we want it to appear in this line\n";
        //must be after the last from __future__ import statement
        Document document = new Document(strDoc);
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(document);
        assertEquals(5, selection.getLineAvailableForImport(false));

    public void testImportLine6a() {
        String strDoc = "" +
                "\n" +
                "\n" +
                "import xxx\n" +
                "import xxx\n" +
                "import xxx\n"
                "#we want it to appear in this line\n";
        //must be after the last from import statement
        Document document = new Document(strDoc);
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(document);
        assertEquals(5, selection.getLineAvailableForImport(false));

    public void testImportLine7() {
        String strDoc = "" +
                "'''comment block\n" +
                "from false_import import *\n" +
                "finish comment'''\n" +
                "from __future__ import xxx\n" +
                "from a import xxx\n" +
                "from __future__ import xxx\n"
                "#we want it to appear in this line\n";
        //must be after the last from __future__ import statement
        Document document = new Document(strDoc);
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(document);
        assertEquals(7, selection.getLineAvailableForImport(false));

    public void testImportLine8() {
        String strDoc = "" +
                "from a import ( #foo\n" +
                "a,\n" +
                "b, #bar\n" +
                "#we want it to appear in this line\n";
        Document document = new Document(strDoc);
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(document);
        assertEquals(4, selection.getLineAvailableForImport(false));

    public void testImportLine9() {
        String strDoc = "" +
                "from a import \\\n" +
                "a,\\\n" +
                "b,\\\n" +
                "#we want it to appear in this line\n";
        Document document = new Document(strDoc);
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(document);
        assertEquals(4, selection.getLineAvailableForImport(false));

    public void testImportLine10() {
        String strDoc = "" +
                "from coilib40 import unittest\n" +
                "from plugins10.plugins.editorsstack import (\n"
                "    EditorsStackDock )\n" +
                "#we want it to appear in this line\n" +
                "def m1():\n" +
                "    testca\n"
        Document document = new Document(strDoc);
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(document);
        assertEquals(3, selection.getLineAvailableForImport(false));

    public void testImportLine11() {
        String strDoc = "" +
                "__version__ = '$Revision: 86849 $'\n" +
                "def m1():\n" +
                "    testca\n" +
        Document document = new Document(strDoc);
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(document);
        assertEquals(1, selection.getLineAvailableForImport(false));

    public void testSelectAll() {
        ps = new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, 0, 0));
        assertEquals(docContents, ps.getCursorLineContents() +
        assertEquals(docContents, ps.getSelectedText());

        ps = new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, 0, 9)); //first line selected
        ps.selectAll(true); //changes
        assertEquals(docContents, ps.getCursorLineContents() +
        assertEquals(docContents, ps.getSelectedText());

        ps = new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, 0, 9)); //first line selected
        ps.selectAll(false); //nothing changes
        assertEquals(ps.getLine(0), ps.getCursorLineContents());
        assertEquals(ps.getLine(0), ps.getSelectedText());

    public void testFullRep() throws Exception {
        String s = "";
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, 2, 2));
        assertEquals("", ps.getFullRepAfterSelection());

        s = "";
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, 2, 2));
        assertEquals("", ps.getFullRepAfterSelection());


    public void testReplaceToSelection() throws Exception {
        String s = "vvvvppppaaaa";
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, 4);
        assertEquals("xxxxppppaaaa", ps.getDoc().get());

    public void testGetInsideParentesis() throws Exception {
        String s = "def m1(self, a, b)";
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, 0, 0));
        List<String> insideParentesisToks = ps.getInsideParentesisToks(false).o1;
        assertEquals(2, insideParentesisToks.size());
        assertEquals("a", insideParentesisToks.get(0));
        assertEquals("b", insideParentesisToks.get(1));

        s = "def m1(self, a, b, )";
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, 0, 0));
        insideParentesisToks = ps.getInsideParentesisToks(false).o1;
        assertEquals(2, insideParentesisToks.size());
        assertEquals("a", insideParentesisToks.get(0));
        assertEquals("b", insideParentesisToks.get(1));

        s = "def m1(self, a, b=None)";
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, 0, 0));
        insideParentesisToks = ps.getInsideParentesisToks(true).o1;
        assertEquals(3, insideParentesisToks.size());
        assertEquals("self", insideParentesisToks.get(0));
        assertEquals("a", insideParentesisToks.get(1));
        assertEquals("b", insideParentesisToks.get(2));

        s = "def m1(self, a, b=None)";
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, 0, 0));
        insideParentesisToks = ps.getInsideParentesisToks(false).o1;
        assertEquals(2, insideParentesisToks.size());
        assertEquals("a", insideParentesisToks.get(0));
        assertEquals("b", insideParentesisToks.get(1));

        //Note: as Python dropped this support, so did PyDev: in this situation (b,c) is ignored.
        s = "def m1(self, a, (b,c) )";
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, 0, 0));
        insideParentesisToks = ps.getInsideParentesisToks(false).o1;
        assertEquals(1, insideParentesisToks.size());
        assertEquals("a", insideParentesisToks.get(0));

        s = "def m1(self, a, b, \nc,\nd )";
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, 0, 0));
        insideParentesisToks = ps.getInsideParentesisToks(false).o1;
        assertEquals(4, insideParentesisToks.size());
        assertEquals("a", insideParentesisToks.get(0));
        assertEquals("b", insideParentesisToks.get(1));
        assertEquals("c", insideParentesisToks.get(2));
        assertEquals("d", insideParentesisToks.get(3));

        s = "def m1(self, a=(1,2))";
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, 0, 0));
        insideParentesisToks = ps.getInsideParentesisToks(false).o1;
        assertEquals(1, insideParentesisToks.size());
        assertEquals("a", insideParentesisToks.get(0));


    public void testGetLastIf() throws Exception {
        String s = "if False:\n" +
                "    print foo";
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, doc.getLength());
        assertEquals("if False:", ps.getPreviousLineThatStartsWithToken(PySelection.TOKENS_BEFORE_ELSE));

        s = "bar False:\n" +
                "    print foo";
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, doc.getLength());
        assertEquals(null, ps.getPreviousLineThatStartsWithToken(PySelection.TOKENS_BEFORE_ELSE));

    public void testGetLastIf2() throws Exception {
        String s = "if True:\n" +
                "  if False:\n" +
                "    print foo\n" +
                "  a = 10\n" + //as we're already in this indent level, an if in the same level has to be disconsidered!
                "  b = 20" +
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, doc.getLength());
        assertEquals("if True:", ps.getPreviousLineThatStartsWithToken(PySelection.TOKENS_BEFORE_ELSE));

    public void testGetLastIf3() throws Exception {
        String s = "if True:\n" +
                "  if False:\n" +
                "    print foo\n" +
                "  a = (10,\n" + //as we're already in this indent level, an if in the same level has to be disconsidered!
                "20)\n" +
                "  a = 30" +
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, doc.getLength());
        assertEquals("if True:", ps.getPreviousLineThatStartsWithToken(PySelection.TOKENS_BEFORE_ELSE));

    public void testGetLineWithoutComments() {
        String s = "a = 'ethuenoteuho#ueoth'";
        doc = new Document(s);
        ps = new PySelection(doc, doc.getLength());
        assertEquals("a =                     ", ps.getLineWithoutCommentsOrLiterals());

    public void testGetCurrToken() throws BadLocationException {
        String s = " aa = bb";
        doc = new Document(s);

        ps = new PySelection(doc, 0);
        assertEquals(new Tuple<String, Integer>("", 0), ps.getCurrToken());

        ps = new PySelection(doc, 1);
        assertEquals(new Tuple<String, Integer>("aa", 1), ps.getCurrToken());

        ps = new PySelection(doc, 2);
        assertEquals(new Tuple<String, Integer>("aa", 1), ps.getCurrToken());

        ps = new PySelection(doc, doc.getLength() - 1);
        assertEquals(new Tuple<String, Integer>("bb", 6), ps.getCurrToken());

        ps = new PySelection(doc, doc.getLength());
        assertEquals(new Tuple<String, Integer>("bb", 6), ps.getCurrToken());

        s = " aa = bb ";
        doc = new Document(s);

        ps = new PySelection(doc, doc.getLength());
        assertEquals(new Tuple<String, Integer>("", 9), ps.getCurrToken());

        ps = new PySelection(doc, doc.getLength() - 1);
        assertEquals(new Tuple<String, Integer>("bb", 6), ps.getCurrToken());

    public void testGetCurrDottedStatement() throws BadLocationException {
        ps = new PySelection(new Document("a"), 0);
        assertEquals("a", ps.getCurrDottedStatement().o1);

        ps = new PySelection(new Document(""), 0);
        assertEquals("", ps.getCurrDottedStatement().o1);

        ps = new PySelection(new Document(""), 3);
        assertEquals("", ps.getCurrDottedStatement().o1);

        ps = new PySelection(new Document(""), 3);
        assertEquals("", ps.getCurrDottedStatement().o1);

        ps = new PySelection(new Document(" aa().bb"), 3);
        assertEquals("aa().bb", ps.getCurrDottedStatement().o1);

        ps = new PySelection(new Document(" aa().bb"), 0);
        assertEquals("", ps.getCurrDottedStatement().o1);

        ps = new PySelection(new Document("a aa().bb"), 0);
        assertEquals("a", ps.getCurrDottedStatement().o1);

        ps = new PySelection(new Document("a aa().bb"), 9);
        assertEquals("aa().bb", ps.getCurrDottedStatement().o1);

        ps = new PySelection(new Document("a aa().bb"), 2);
        assertEquals("aa().bb", ps.getCurrDottedStatement().o1);

        ps = new PySelection(new Document("a aa(1).bb"), 2);
        assertEquals("aa(1).bb", ps.getCurrDottedStatement().o1);

    public void testGetLine() throws Exception {
        PySelection sel = new PySelection(new Document("foo\nbla"));
        assertEquals("foo", sel.getLine());
        assertEquals(0, sel.getLineOfOffset(1));

    public void testSameLine() throws Exception {
        final Document doc = new Document("foo\nbla\nxxx");
        assertEquals(true, PySelection.isInside(0, doc.getLineInformation(0)));
        assertEquals(false, PySelection.isInside(0, doc.getLineInformation(1)));

        assertEquals(true, PySelection.isInside(4, doc.getLineInformation(1)));

    public void testGetLineContentsToCursor() throws BadLocationException {
        Document doc = new Document("    ");
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(doc);
        assertEquals("", selection.getLineContentsToCursor());


    public void testGetCurrLineWithoutCommsOrLiterals() throws Exception {
        Document doc = new Document("a#foo\nxxx");
        PySelection selection = new PySelection(doc, 1);
        assertEquals("a", selection.getLineContentsToCursor(true, true));

        String str = "" +
                "titleEnd = ('''\n" +
                "            [#''')" + //get with spaces in the place of lines or comments
        doc = new Document(str);
        selection = new PySelection(doc, str.length());
        assertEquals("                 )", selection.getLineContentsToCursor(true, true));

        str = "" +
                "foopp" +
        doc = new Document(str);
        selection = new PySelection(doc, 3); //only 'foo'
        assertEquals("foo", selection.getLineContentsToCursor(true, true));


    public void testDocIterator() throws Exception {
        String str = "" +
                "''\n" +
                "bla" +
        doc = new Document(str);
        PyDocIterator iterator = new PyDocIterator(doc, false, true, true);
        assertEquals("  ",;


    public void testLineStartingScope() throws Exception {
        String str = "" +
                "class Bar:\n" +
                "\n" +
                "    def m1(self):\n" +
                "        pass\n" +
        doc = new Document(str);
        PySelection ps = new PySelection(doc, 0);
        LineStartingScope nextLineThatStartsScope = ps.getNextLineThatStartsScope();
        assertEquals(0, nextLineThatStartsScope.iLineStartingScope);

        ps = new PySelection(doc, 12);
        nextLineThatStartsScope = ps.getNextLineThatStartsScope();
        assertEquals(2, nextLineThatStartsScope.iLineStartingScope);


    public void testGetLineToColon() throws Exception {
        PySelection selection;

        selection = new PySelection(new Document("class A:\r\n    pass"), 0);
        assertEquals("class A:", selection.getToColon());

        selection = new PySelection(new Document("class A:"), 0);
        assertEquals("class A:", selection.getToColon());

        selection = new PySelection(new Document("class "), 0);
        assertEquals("", selection.getToColon());//no colon

        selection = new PySelection(new Document("class A(\r\na,\r\nb):\r\n    pass"), 0);
        assertEquals("class A(\r\na,\r\nb):", selection.getToColon());

    public void testIsInClassOrFunctionLine() throws Exception {
        matchFunc("def __foo__( *args,\n **kwargs ): #comment");
        matchFunc("def f( x ): #comment");
        matchFunc("def f( x, (a,b) ): #comment");
        matchFunc("def f( x=10 ): #comment");
        matchFunc("def f( x=10 )   : #comment");
        matchFunc("def f( *args, **kwargs ): #comment");
        matchFunc("def __foo__( *args, **kwargs ): #comment");
        matchFunc("def f", false);

        matchClass("class __A( object ): #comment");
        matchClass("class A( object ): #comment");
        matchClass("class A( class10 ): #comment");
        matchClass("class A( class10 )   : #comment");
        matchClass("class A10( class10,b.b ): ");
        matchClass("class Information:");
        matchClass("class Information( ");
        matchClass("class Information ");
        matchClass("class Information( UserDict.UserDict, IInformation ):");
        dontMatchClass("noclass Information ");
        dontMatchClass("noclass Information:");

    public void testLineBreak() throws Exception {
        List<Integer> lineOffsets = PySelection.getLineBreakOffsets("aa\r\nbb\rcc\ndd\r\na");
        compare(new Integer[] { 2, 6, 9, 12 }, lineOffsets);

    public void testLineStart() throws Exception {
        List<Integer> lineOffsets;

        lineOffsets = PySelection.getLineStartOffsets("\r\n\r\n\n#comment with RenFoo\r\n");
        compare(new Integer[] { 0, 2, 4, 5, 27 }, lineOffsets);

        lineOffsets = PySelection.getLineStartOffsets("d\r\na");
        compare(new Integer[] { 0, 3 }, lineOffsets);

        lineOffsets = PySelection.getLineStartOffsets("aa\r\nbb\rcc\ndd\r\na");
        compare(new Integer[] { 0, 4, 7, 10, 14 }, lineOffsets);

        lineOffsets = PySelection.getLineStartOffsets("\n\nfoo\nfoo\n");
        compare(new Integer[] { 0, 1, 2, 6, 10 }, lineOffsets);


    private void compare(Integer[] is, List<Integer> offsets) {
        for (int i = 0; i < is.length; i++) {
            if (!is[i].equals(offsets.get(i))) {
                fail(com.aptana.shared_core.string.StringUtils.format("%s != %s (%s)", is[i], offsets.get(i), Arrays.deepToString(is)
                        " differs from " + offsets));

    private void dontMatchClass(String cls) {
        assertFalse("Matched class (when it shouldn't match):" + cls,
                new PySelection(new Document(cls)).isInClassLine());


    private void matchClass(String cls) {
        assertTrue("Failed to match class:" + cls, new PySelection(new Document(cls)).isInClassLine());

    private void matchFunc(String func) {
        matchFunc(func, true);

    private void matchFunc(String func, boolean matchOnlyComplete) {
        assertTrue("Failed to match func:" + func,
                new PySelection(new Document(func)).isInFunctionLine(matchOnlyComplete));

    public void testIsInDecl() throws Exception {
                new PySelection(new Document("class A(foo):\r\n    pass"), 7).isInDeclarationLine());
        assertEquals(0, new PySelection(new Document("class A(foo):\r\n    pass"), 9).isInDeclarationLine());

                new PySelection(new Document("def A(foo):\r\n    pass"), 5).isInDeclarationLine());
        assertEquals(0, new PySelection(new Document("def A(foo):\r\n    pass"), 6).isInDeclarationLine());

    public static void checkStrEquals(String string, String string2) {
        assertEquals(string.replace("\r\n", "\n"), string2.replace("\r\n", "\n"));

    public void testIsFuture() throws Exception {
        assertFalse(PySelection.isFutureImportLine("from a import b"));
        assertTrue(PySelection.isFutureImportLine("from __future__ import b"));
        assertFalse(PySelection.isFutureImportLine("from __future import b"));
        assertFalse(PySelection.isFutureImportLine("__future__ from a import b"));
        assertTrue(PySelection.isFutureImportLine("from __future__ "));

    public void testGetBeforeAndAfterMatchingChars() throws Exception {
        Document doc = new Document();
        PySelection ps = new PySelection(doc);
        assertEquals(new Tuple<String, String>("", ""), ps.getBeforeAndAfterMatchingChars('\''));
        assertEquals(new Tuple<String, String>("", "''"), ps.getBeforeAndAfterMatchingChars('\''));
        ps.setSelection(1, 1);
        assertEquals(new Tuple<String, String>("'", "'"), ps.getBeforeAndAfterMatchingChars('\''));
        ps.setSelection(2, 2);
        assertEquals(new Tuple<String, String>("''", ""), ps.getBeforeAndAfterMatchingChars('\''));
        ps.setSelection(3, 3);
        assertEquals(new Tuple<String, String>("", ""), ps.getBeforeAndAfterMatchingChars('\''));

    public void testGetLineOfOffset() throws Exception {
        Document doc = new Document();
        PySelection ps = new PySelection(doc);
        assertEquals(0, ps.getLineOfOffset(-10));
        assertEquals(0, ps.getLineOfOffset(0));
        assertEquals(0, ps.getLineOfOffset(10));

        assertEquals(0, ps.getLineOfOffset(-10));
        assertEquals(0, ps.getLineOfOffset(0));
        assertEquals(0, ps.getLineOfOffset(10));

        assertEquals(0, ps.getLineOfOffset(-10));
        assertEquals(0, ps.getLineOfOffset(0));
        assertEquals(1, ps.getLineOfOffset(10));

    public void testGetEndOfDocumentOffset() throws Exception {
        Document doc = new Document();
        PySelection ps = new PySelection(doc);
        assertEquals(0, ps.getEndOfDocummentOffset());
        doc.set("   ");
        assertEquals(3, ps.getEndOfDocummentOffset());

    public void testGetParametersAfter() throws Exception {
        Document doc = new Document();
        PySelection ps = new PySelection(doc);
        assertEquals(0, ps.getParametersAfterCall(10).size());

        doc.set("MyCall(aa, bb, 10, )");
        List<String> params = ps.getParametersAfterCall(6);
        assertEquals(3, params.size());
        assertEquals("10", params.get(2));

        doc.set("MyCall   \t(aa, bb, 10, )");
        params = ps.getParametersAfterCall(6);
        assertEquals(3, params.size());
        assertEquals("10", params.get(2));

        doc.set("MyCall('a,a', (bb, 10), {a:10}, [ouo,ueo])");
        params = ps.getParametersAfterCall(6);
        assertEquals(4, params.size());
        assertEquals("'a,a'", params.get(0));
        assertEquals("(bb, 10)", params.get(1));
        assertEquals("{a:10}", params.get(2));
        assertEquals("[ouo,ueo]", params.get(3));

        doc.set("MyCall(another(call, 1, 'thn', foo))");
        params = ps.getParametersAfterCall(6);
        assertEquals(1, params.size());
        assertEquals("another(call, 1, 'thn', foo)", params.get(0));

    public void testGetClassNameInLine() throws Exception {
        assertEquals("Foo", PySelection.getClassNameInLine("class Foo(obje"));
        assertEquals("Foo", PySelection.getClassNameInLine("class Foo.uesonth(obje"));

    public void testGetFunctionCalls() throws Exception {
        Document doc = new Document();
        PySelection ps = new PySelection(doc);
        assertEquals(0, ps.getTddPossibleMatchesAtLine().size());

        doc.set("MyCall(aa, bb, 10, )");
        List<TddPossibleMatches> calls = ps.getTddPossibleMatchesAtLine();
        assertEquals(1, calls.size());
        assertEquals("MyCall(", calls.get(0).toString());

        doc.set("foo.MyCall(aa, bb, 10, )");
        calls = ps.getTddPossibleMatchesAtLine();
        assertEquals(1, calls.size());
        assertEquals("foo.MyCall(", calls.get(0).toString());

        doc.set("foo.MyCall1 (aa, bb, 10, )");
        calls = ps.getTddPossibleMatchesAtLine();
        assertEquals(1, calls.size());
        assertEquals("foo.MyCall1 (", calls.get(0).toString());

        doc.set("call1(aa, bar.call2(), 10, )");
        calls = ps.getTddPossibleMatchesAtLine();
        assertEquals(2, calls.size());
        assertEquals("call1(", calls.get(0).toString());
        assertEquals("bar.call2(", calls.get(1).toString());

        doc.set("def m1(foo)");
        calls = ps.getTddPossibleMatchesAtLine();
        assertEquals(0, calls.size());

        doc.set("class Bar(object):");
        calls = ps.getTddPossibleMatchesAtLine();
        assertEquals(0, calls.size());

        doc.set("a = (1,3)");
        calls = ps.getTddPossibleMatchesAtLine();
        assertEquals(0, calls.size());

        calls = ps.getTddPossibleMatchesAtLine();
        assertEquals(2, calls.size());
        assertEquals("self.a.b", calls.get(0).toString());
        assertEquals("", calls.get(1).toString());

        calls = ps.getTddPossibleMatchesAtLine();
        assertEquals(1, calls.size());
        assertEquals("", calls.get(0).toString());

    public void testIntersects() throws Exception {
        int line = 0;
        int col = 1;
        int len = 2;
        doc = new Document(" aa      ");
        ps = new PySelection(doc, line, col, len);
        assertTrue(ps.intersects(1, 2));
        assertTrue(ps.intersects(1, 10));
        assertTrue(ps.intersects(0, 10));
        assertFalse(ps.intersects(0, 0));
        assertTrue(ps.intersects(0, 2));
        assertFalse(ps.intersects(0, 1));
        assertFalse(ps.intersects(3, 0));
        assertTrue(ps.intersects(2, 0));


Related Classes of org.python.pydev.editor.actions.PySelectionTest

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